CPU Share in VPS
The CPU speeds offered by our Linux VPS differ significantly and you can select the VPS with the best suited system resources for your sites. When you need a VPS for 1 website that does not have lots of visitors, for instance, you can acquire a low-end plan, that will also be more affordable when compared to the high-end solutions offering significant CPU quotas and that may easily match a dedicated server. We create only a few VPS accounts on powerful servers with 16-core processors, so the CPU share that you will get with your new package will be guaranteed at all times and the performance of your web server will not be affected by other virtual accounts on the same physical server. Upgrading from one plan to another requires a couple of clicks via the billing CP and the additional CPU share will be assigned to your account immediately.
CPU Share in Dedicated Hosting
Our dedicated server plans provide a range of hardware configurations, thus, depending on what you need the web server for and on your budget, you can find the most suitable one for you. Besides the various RAM and disk space allocations, every package deal provides different CPU shares as well. The CPUs we provide have 2-12 cores, so you could choose the plan which will match your requirements best. With the most powerful package, each application you run on the hosting server shall run very quick no matter what resources it needs and irrespective of how many people are using it simultaneously, but even the lower-end plans are adequate for most sorts of Internet sites. The performance of the CPUs is reviewed along with all the other hardware components, as a way to ensure that the server that we'll hand over to you will work faultlessly and at optimum capacity all of the time.